
Wednesday 25 June 2014

Understanding Change - Part 5

What is your current strategy for dealing with change?

Initial Response - FACE IT

Peoples strategies were about dealing with the change, There was a small amount of burying their head in the sand and a feeling that they could not effect change from the bottom.  This was quickly replaced with a strategy of  breaking down the change into small chucks and learning how to manage upwards.

On the whole the strategies started with the fact you had to face up the them, the fact that change happens and you need to respond to it and learn to roll with the punches.

As an individual having a goal meant that there was then room for planning and creating what the next steps needed to be and also helped people then initiate the change and become the change agent.  This allowed them to build their networks and learn new skills.

Some would want to keep ahead of change in order to have opportunity and challenge and would therefore actively seek out new goals to challenge themselves with.

Running through all the strategies there was also a little bit of 'just get on with it' and being clear that the change was not for change sake - but because it matters.

Within any change there is good and bad and those interviewed would look for the good and embrace it and would find out what the benefits would be and be able to show others in order to bring them on board with the changes and help change hearts and minds of those not yet convinced.

Ask Yourself?

What's your current strategy for dealing with change?

Your can now take part in this research at Survey Monkey - Understanding Change Research

The Thrive through Transition business model was created as a result of the findings from this research.  Find out more at or email

Special summer offer!!
Thrive through Transition Half Day Workshop
For dynamic companies that really want to understand change and transition and what it means for them.  To be the leaders within their industry of how to pioneer and build business for the future with integrity.  This is a practical hands on workshop.  Normally £795 + VAT but the 1st 5 companies to book through this offer - only £299 + VAT 

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Understanding Change Part 4

How does change challenge You?

Initial Response - Frustrating

When thinking about this question there was some flip flopping between the positive and negative and some interesting neutral statements and questions people asked themselves to find a balance.

Change can challenge when it seems scary, uncomfortable, it is the unknown. It can often be hard to concentrate on the day to day and keeps some people awake at night. It can leave people bitter and resistant when it has a negative outcome.

Despite all this the challenge of change is accepted. It allows people to shake off the shackles of convention and conventional wisdom, break assumptions, consider things not considered before. It helps people think differently and reflect on their choices so that they can decide on how and what they wanted to do next, in order to raise their game. When there is a positive outcome they start to look at how the skills they have gained can be used elsewhere.

When looking at change within self a great phrase used was 'open the gate - don't jump it'.  Make is easy on yourself.

There is also the challenge of reflection and addressing issues arising from the change and bringing people through it. Understanding that the change will happen and how you can adjust and accommodate it. If creating the change then believe it is for the right reason.

Ask Yourself?
How can you make the challenge of change easy on yourself?

Your can now take part in this research at Survey Monkey - Understanding Change Research

The Thrive through Transition business model was created as a result of the findings from this research.  Find out more at or email

Special summer offer!!
Thrive through Transition Half Day Workshop
For dynamic companies that really want to understand change and transition and what it means for them.  To be the leaders within their industry of how to pioneer and build business for the future with integrity.  This is a practical hands on workshop.  Normally £795 + VAT but the 1st 5 companies to book through this offer - only £299 + VAT 

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Understanding Change - Part 3

How do you feel about Change?

Initial Response - EXCITING

Let's start this looking at the negative feelings around change.  It creates a feeling of uncertainty and apprehension.  People are nervous and thought change could be scary and depending on the scale of the change - daunting.  Change is unpredictable and there was fear in how they would deal with it and it can make you feel uncomfortable.

The other side of the coin is that the feeling that change is refreshing, it helps get rid of old procedures, it's enjoyable and creative. If you welcome it and embrace it then it is an opportunity to do something different.

The opposite reactions were strongly linked to when change was created and caused by the individual (Started thinking) or if changed happened directly to them or around them (Stopped thinking).

More neutral feelings where linked to whether the change effected others and also about reflecting on change in order to adapt and make choices about how you wanted to feel about it.  Change was welcomed in itself but not always the results that occurred because of it.

Ask Yourself?

If you were to take control of your part in a change - how would this change your thinking?

Your can now take part in this research at Survey Monkey - Understanding Change Research

The Thrive through Transition business model was created as a result of the findings from this research.  Find out more at or email

Special summer offer!!
Thrive through Transition Half Day Workshop
For dynamic companies that really want to understand change and transition and what it means for them.  To be the leaders within their industry of how to pioneer and build business for the future with integrity.  This is a practical hands on workshop.  Normally £795 + VAT but the 1st 5 companies to book through this offer - only £299 + VAT 

Thursday 5 June 2014

Understanding Change - Part 2

What does change mean to you?

Initial Response - CHALLENGE

Most of those interviewed when asked this question sat back, smiled and with their eyes wide open said with relish 'Challenge'.

There are more Started responses to the question of what change means for those interviewed than there were Stopped.

Change is about being excited by the new opportunities and innovations - being flexible to do things differently in order to have an impact.

It is about moving with the times and taking people with you and having that revelation that you don't need to stay stuck.

The other side of the coin is that it does take you out of your comfort zone, there is fear, apprehension and uncertainty and this brings us back to the challenge of change.

For the majority change meant challenge and when they think about challenge it become more about developing new skills, looking ahead, planning the long term and being able to communicate more effectively.

Ask Yourself?

The meaning of change is that it will come to you and evidently you will have to change - what are you going to do about it?

Your can now take part in this research at Survey Monkey - Understanding Change Research

The Thrive through Transition business model was created as a result of the findings from this research.  Find out more at or email

Special summer offer!!
Thrive through Transition Half Day Workshop
For dynamic companies that really want to understand change and transition and what it means for them.  To be the leaders within their industry of how to pioneer and build business for the future with integrity.  This is a practical hands on workshop.  Normally £795 + VAT but the 1st 5 companies to book through this offer - only £299 + VAT