
Thursday 5 June 2014

Understanding Change - Part 2

What does change mean to you?

Initial Response - CHALLENGE

Most of those interviewed when asked this question sat back, smiled and with their eyes wide open said with relish 'Challenge'.

There are more Started responses to the question of what change means for those interviewed than there were Stopped.

Change is about being excited by the new opportunities and innovations - being flexible to do things differently in order to have an impact.

It is about moving with the times and taking people with you and having that revelation that you don't need to stay stuck.

The other side of the coin is that it does take you out of your comfort zone, there is fear, apprehension and uncertainty and this brings us back to the challenge of change.

For the majority change meant challenge and when they think about challenge it become more about developing new skills, looking ahead, planning the long term and being able to communicate more effectively.

Ask Yourself?

The meaning of change is that it will come to you and evidently you will have to change - what are you going to do about it?

Your can now take part in this research at Survey Monkey - Understanding Change Research

The Thrive through Transition business model was created as a result of the findings from this research.  Find out more at or email

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Thrive through Transition Half Day Workshop
For dynamic companies that really want to understand change and transition and what it means for them.  To be the leaders within their industry of how to pioneer and build business for the future with integrity.  This is a practical hands on workshop.  Normally £795 + VAT but the 1st 5 companies to book through this offer - only £299 + VAT 

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