
Wednesday 11 June 2014

Understanding Change - Part 3

How do you feel about Change?

Initial Response - EXCITING

Let's start this looking at the negative feelings around change.  It creates a feeling of uncertainty and apprehension.  People are nervous and thought change could be scary and depending on the scale of the change - daunting.  Change is unpredictable and there was fear in how they would deal with it and it can make you feel uncomfortable.

The other side of the coin is that the feeling that change is refreshing, it helps get rid of old procedures, it's enjoyable and creative. If you welcome it and embrace it then it is an opportunity to do something different.

The opposite reactions were strongly linked to when change was created and caused by the individual (Started thinking) or if changed happened directly to them or around them (Stopped thinking).

More neutral feelings where linked to whether the change effected others and also about reflecting on change in order to adapt and make choices about how you wanted to feel about it.  Change was welcomed in itself but not always the results that occurred because of it.

Ask Yourself?

If you were to take control of your part in a change - how would this change your thinking?

Your can now take part in this research at Survey Monkey - Understanding Change Research

The Thrive through Transition business model was created as a result of the findings from this research.  Find out more at or email

Special summer offer!!
Thrive through Transition Half Day Workshop
For dynamic companies that really want to understand change and transition and what it means for them.  To be the leaders within their industry of how to pioneer and build business for the future with integrity.  This is a practical hands on workshop.  Normally £795 + VAT but the 1st 5 companies to book through this offer - only £299 + VAT 

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